You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth even those who sail on distance seas. Psalm 65:5 (NLT,
Sabbath Reflection
David sings what mighty praise belongs to the God of Zion. Why do we owe God such praise?
Is it because
He answers our prayers
Forgives our sins
Brings us near to Him, allowing us to live in His holy courts
Gives us hope
Or is it because

Is armed with mighty strength
Quiets the raging seas
Silence the shouting of the nations
Inspire shouts of joy
Takes care of the earth by watering it making it rich and fertile
Sending rain which provides bountiful crops
Or is it because
He makes lush pastures from the wilderness,
Carpets the valleys with grain, clothing the meadows with flocks of sheep
Or is it because
With God even the hard pathways overflow with abundance
Yes, O God what mighty praise belongs to you in Zion,
We owe You praise O God because You are God, Creator, Salvation, Magnificent, Sovereign, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, Because You are the Almighty, Righteous God full of Truth and Grace
God all praise belongs to You because You are THE GREAT I AM, GOD.
Deeper Personal Reflection
Psalm 65
Genesis 1
Revelation 22

Sabbath Praise
Praise the Lord in His sanctuary
Sing to the Lord a new song
Praise the Lord from the heavens
Let all that we are praise the Lord
Let us exalt our God, praising our God and King
Let us praise His name forever
Praise the name of the Lord, all who serves Him
Praise the Lord, for He is good
Praise the greatness of the Lord, our Lord is greater than any God
Praise the Lord who is our Rock
Praise our God who is faithful, whose love is unfailing
Praise the Lord whose promises are backed by the honor of His great name
Praise the Lord, our God who is merciful and just
O praise the Lord with your whole heart let not your spirit rest until it lifts the Lord, our great God in praise
Enter His holy temple, bow down in worship and lift His Holy, Righteous Name because He is the God of all the earth, dwelling in the hearts of all who believes.
LET EVERYTHING THAT HAS BREATH PRAISE THE LORD, who inhabits the praise of His people.
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We can never praise Him enough. Thank you for this inspiring praise post.
God loves our praise.
Your eloquent post reminds me of the 103rd Psalm. There David list all the benefits of serving the Lord and why He is worthy to be praised. He is worthy, all together lovely and it will take an eternity tell Him so!
It is because of everything you listed and MORE!!!! Because JHE IS.
He is worthy to receive our praise! Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend.
What a wonderful post.Praise God!
You always have such pretty pictures on you post.
God Bless,
so nicee...
love your blog
it is so beautiful
thx 4 coming by...
hope you come again
Happy Memorial Day!!
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