My Holy Rest

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Listening Prayer

Sabbath Scripture
I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.
Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! Psalm 116:1-2

Prayer of ThanksgivingLord thy God because You hear my voice and my prayers for mercy, You O Lord bend to listen to my every word cried out to You, Lord You even hear my thoughts and often give answer before I can put them into audible words and Lord this is why I love You and I will pray to You as long as I have breath. Jesus in Your precious and wonderful Name I pray. Amen!

We have many reasons to love the Lord, He is our Creator, He gives us the breath of life, and He sustains us, protects and shields us. He is our strength, our guide, our goodness. He is God, the One whom we can turn when we stand in need. When we call upon Him in prayer He stops and listens, He attends His ear to us. He knows our personal voice, He knows how it sounds. He knows when we come with a joyful, thankful voice. When our voice is filled with sorrow, concern, pain and repentance He knows. He hears all our prayers and He answers in the way best for us. Prayer is vital to the believer, it is the way in which we communicate with God, and it leads the way to our developing a relationship with God. Could this be why God bends down, and focus on my voice when I call out to Him? Because His greatest desire is to have a relationship with us, He created us for relationship; therefore when we go to Him in prayer He listen with undivided attention. Do we offer Him the same do we listen for His voice in prayer? I know I struggle in this area. It is so easy to pray to God but to be still and listen for His response is more difficult. Why do we go to God in prayer, yet don’t take the necessary time to listen to Him? Why do we not offer Him the same respect His offers us, His creation. He is the Creator the One we should always take whatever time needed to hear His voice. As children most of us were not taught to listen, we were only taught to speak and say amen. This is not an excuse we can continue to hold on too we must learn to listen to God in prayer if we desire an intimate relationship with Him.

Sabbath Quietness
Read this scripture at least 3 times let it speak to your heart. Spend some time with your thoughts and let them lead you to where God would have you right now. If they lead you to prayer; pray, praise; praise, singing; sing, worship; worship, questions; ask God. Just get quiet and go with the Lord.

Sabbath Stillness
I invite you now to clear your mind, let your thoughts go and just be still before God for as long as possible. Invite Him to speak to you.

Sabbath My Holy Rest
Father God, thank You for listening to me, attending to my voice. Forgive me Lord for every utter prayer that didn't listen for your voice in return. Bring me O Lord to the place where I listen for You as You listen to me. Jesus in Your Name I pray.

Sabbath Sharing
If you have a special way in which you have learn to listen for and to God voice in prayer please share.

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SmilingSally said...

We were created to have a relationship with God. Thanks for reminding me and sharing. Happy Spiritual Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post. It's always good to be reminded of how God listens to us. The fact that he hears us even before we cry out to Him. He knows we love Him and He knows what we need, but like with our own children, we want to have that communication from them.
Have a great blessed day.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I missed you while you were gone. Welcome back. I always read the scripture as many times as I need to in order for me to fully understand it. Sometimes it's only one time and sometimes well lets just say it's more than once.
Have a beautiful Lords day,

Sue said...

How true, I get so busy talking to God that I don't stop and wait for Him to speak to me. What wonderful food for thought today. Thank you for sharing and for reminding me that this is a two way relationship.