Sabbath Scripture
He reached down from heaven and rescued me; He drew me out of deep waters. Psalm 18:16
Sabbath Prayer
Father of my Lord and Savior, Abba Father upon Your Holy Name I have called and You heard my cry; My cry for salvation, my cry for peace, my cry for love and my cry for joy. You gave me what I longed for and so much more, reaching down from heaven You gave me You. To you O Lord I offer my praise, my worship, and my thanks, in the Name of Jesus I pray.
Sabbath Study

Have you ever found yourself drowning in the issues of life? The more you seek to pull yourself out of the deep the further down you appear to sink. The winds and waves toss about you life becomes overwhelming and you are not sure what to do. Having done everything in your power with no change you finally call upon the Lord. Isn’t it funny no matter how many times God rescues us we still do not turn to Him first in our times of troubles. No matter how many times He shows Himself strong and mighty we still believe we have the power to bring change. We are much like Peter whom Jesus had shown Himself mighty and powerful, but yet Peter doubted Jesus was able. Peter with the other disciples witness Jesus calm the storms “Peace Be Still,” suddenly the winds stopped and there was a great calm (Mark 4:39). Peter was also an eyewitness when Jesus fed the 5000. Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, look upward toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, He kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share. They all ate as much as they wanted, and afterward, the disciples picked up twelve baskets of leftover bread and fish. A total of 5000 men and their families were fed from those loaves! (Mark 6:41-42, the NLT Chronological Bible) Immediately after this miraculous event in fact the same night Peter was called upon to put His trust in the Lord. “Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About 3:00 in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, “It’s a ghost!” But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!” Then Peter called to Him, “Lord, if it’s really you tell me to come to you, walking on the water.” “Yes, come, “Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith.” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshiped Him. “You really are the Son of God!” they exclaimed. (Matthew 14:24-32 the NLT Chronological Bible)
Jesus shows us over and over He is more than enough, giving more than we ask

yet when the deep waters come we are like Peter we take our eyes off Him and we look at circumstances rather than the One who is able to change our situation. The result; we keep sinking deeper and deeper into our issues. Jesus says come to me and I will give you rest. Jesus says I am the Light in the midst of darkness. Jesus says cast all your anxiety on me. Jesus says I came that you might have life more abundantly. Jesus says don’t be afraid, have courage. Jesus says I am your all and all yet we doubt, putting faith to shame, making it a liar. Sadly, Peter is our reality, the state we operate in most days, sinking in spite of our witness, letting the deep waters of fear, shame, guilt, unworthiness, lack of discipline, impulsiveness, debts, denial, the past and brokenness overcome us. Glory to God, He does not leave us when we come to our senses. “Save me, Lord!” Peter (we) shouted (shout) Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him (grabs us). He puts us back in the boat; the winds and waves stop. Now we worship, giving glory and praise to God, for once again He reaches down from heaven and rescue us; He draws us out of deep waters.(Psalm 18:16)
Sabbath Reflection

How do you respond when in deep waters?
Have you really learn to keep your eyes on Jesus and His power rather than your circumstances?
Lord, may I always trust in You. Help me to keep my eyes upon You no matter how deep the waters become. Let me never shame You with doubts, let me walk not in fear but always in the power of Your powerful hand; always exclaiming Jesus, the Son of God. In Jesus Name, Amen
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Hey Sis..
I am so reminded to not take my eyes of the master. To stay focused on him and trust him even more when I am in any crisis of which I have no control over. I have an important prayer request dear sister please email me at
joyfulsister60@msn.com so I can have your email addy. Thanks for putting so much Love and so much of your heart in your posts. The photos add such intensity to the words. Keep being the messenger you are for the Lord, many are blessed, I know I am.
Luv ya Lorie
Very powerful!!
This advice makes sense: by keeping our eyes on Him, we find our ONLY way.
Powerful, encouraging words leading to greater faith. Reminds me of the song with the words, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look into His Holy face... Thank you for this post. (I was slightly distracted in my reading my the one speaking along with the music.)
What a great post! O always turn to God first in my time of needs. It just saves me so much trouble.
Blessings Wilnette...What a rich blessing I've been missing out by not visiting your Sabbath Rest! I have missed you & their inspiration
I am so thankful that HE reaches down from Heaven and rescues me. I thank Him & praise Him for drawing me out of deep waters!
I don't think that I have found myself drowning in life issues like those that are happening now in the good ole US of A. But your words are so true and of course, HIS WORD is TRUTH!!! I pray that I am not like Peter, but if I am...O Lord, save me...
I probably have shamed FAITH and made it a LIAR...(Lord forgive me when my faith has been weak)! When I'm in the deep waters or worse ...the muck...the mucky yucky waters...I cry out...I turn to Him,
I run to His Word, sometimes even a shower...how I long to soak (like in a tub of warm bubbles)...and I look to the Cross. If He can do that and RISE again...than I can do whatever I face in His strength much better than mine.
I Love your prayer, I love your visuals, I love your heart, I love & send hugs...to you...sista, Peggy
It's so important to keep our eyes on Jesus.
I found your webpage thru one of my links and checked it out. I regret to inform you and do not intend any disrespect, but the Sabbath God speaks of in the Bible is not sunday, it is saturday. The sabbath was never changed, it was mankind who changed it. I would strongly encourage you to look deeper into scripture and history of the sabbath at, www.sabbathtruth.com. Sunday is mans sabbath, not God's. If you would like to discuss this topic further I would be happy to do so. May the Lord guide you in His Biblical truth.
Gary B.
Exodus 20:8, REMEMBER the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
The only one of Gods Ten Commandments which begin with REMEMBER, yet so many have forgotten, even the true day which was sanctified.
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