Sabbath Reflection
I am not a mystery
I am not in hiding
I am not a far off
I am not in the distance future
I am not out of reach
I am not untouchable
I am not off limits
I am not behind a veil you cannot enter
I am close, ready to reveal myself to you. You can reach me day or night
I am available, distance does not separate us, you can touch me daily at any time, the veil has been torn
I am waiting to be found
If you look for me wholeheartly, you will find me. I will be found by you, says the Lord.
Seek the Lord with your wholeheart,put your all into seeking Him, rest with Him today just open His word and have a conversation with Him. Listen with your heart and spirit. He is waiting to hear from you, to bless you, to love you, to have you know Him.
Mediate upon a scripture or scripture
begin with prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to come inot your presence, to
speak to your heart, to reveal God to you.
Read it out loud until it begins to speak to your spirit.
Note the word or words which stands out to you, grabs your attention.
How do you feel about these words?
What do you believe God is saying to you? Put your name in where appropriate
Willnette will seek me and find me. When Willnette seek me with all of
Willnette's heart, I will be found by Willnete declares, the Lord.
Stop please and indulge me- go back and substitue your name.
How powerful is this? God speaks directly to us.
Ask God questions.
Write your thoughts without thinking about them just write
Ask God more questions
Pray about anything you don't understand
Pray about anything which comes to mind-others, yourself.
Be still and listen
I know many who comes today are advanced in having a quiet time with God, the Spirit led me and I followed believing God would send someone who needed this post. For those who are advanced may this post bless you in some way.
Sabbath Prayer
Father God, thank you for Your Holy Word, Your voice to guide and teach me. Thank You O Lord for being so open to those who truly seek you. thank You for being available, touchable, reachable, revealing. Thank You for providing the way for me to know you. Thank You O Lord for the time I can spend in quietness with You, listening and learning, may all you tell me today become my path to Your will. Lord I seek to know You and I thank You for revealing Yourself to me, allowing me to know You, to find You. In Jesus Name I pray.

Such a blessing, thank you.
Yes, He who knows the very number of hairs on our head knows our name and ALL about us. What a wonderful God and Savior.
Very nice! Thank you. Quiet time with the Lord is so sweet.
Excellent post. I too believe that not just someone--but many will be blessed by this today.
This is what is so encouraging about being a part of the "blogging" world. Even here..you can be an outreach, and asking God to bless your message, is even more powerful. Thanks so much .
Thank-you for this today. This is one of my favorite scriptures. Thank-you also for such a beautiful prayer.
Thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts with us today. They are so true.
Blessings for a good week ahead.
Thank you for that beautiful post. Blessings ~
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